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Partner Advisory Councils: Best Practices in Channel Management

Written by Richard Flynn | Apr 17, 2023 12:43:12 PM

Companies increasingly rely on partner networks and alliances to maximize their reach and capitalize on new opportunities. To manage these channel partnerships effectively, it is crucial to establish and maintain strong relationships with key partners. One of the best practices in channel management is the formation of a Partner Advisory Council (PAC), which provides a structured forum for fostering collaboration, enhancing communication, and addressing common challenges. In this article, we will explore the benefits of a PAC, offer suggestions on structuring a council, and outline best practices for managing both live and virtual meetings.


Why a Partner Advisory Council is a Best Practice in Channel Management

Improved Communication and Collaboration

A PAC provides a platform for channel partners to communicate openly, share experiences, and collaborate on joint initiatives. By facilitating regular dialogue, a PAC can help identify and resolve issues early on, ultimately improving channel performance and enhancing the overall partnership experience.

Enhanced Strategic Alignment

By bringing together the top executives of your key partners, a PAC helps ensure that everyone is aligned with your company's overall strategy and objectives. This alignment is critical in driving long-term growth, as it ensures that all partners work towards common goals and are committed to delivering consistent customer value.

Increased Partner Engagement and Commitment

Establishing a PAC demonstrates your company's commitment to its partners and recognizes their importance in your success. You can increase partner engagement, loyalty, and commitment to your mutual success by giving them a voice in your organization's strategic direction.

Access to Industry Expertise and Insight

The members of a PAC bring diverse perspectives and valuable expertise, which can be leveraged to identify new opportunities, address emerging challenges, and improve overall channel performance. By tapping into this collective knowledge, your company can stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on emerging trends.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

A PAC provides a structured environment where partners can share best practices, discuss new ideas, and collaborate on innovative solutions. By creating an atmosphere of continuous improvement and innovation, a PAC can help your company and its partners maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.


How to Structure a Partner Advisory Council

Define the Purpose and Objectives

Before establishing a PAC, it is essential to define its purpose and objectives clearly. This may include improving communication, enhancing partner engagement, addressing specific challenges, or driving innovation. A clear vision will help you structure the council and establish a roadmap for success.

Determine Membership Criteria

Carefully consider the criteria for selecting PAC members, including partner size, industry expertise, geographical representation, and strategic alignment. Keep the council size manageable, ideally between 10 and 15 members, to ensure effective decision-making and maintain a focused agenda.

Establish a Governance Structure

A well-defined governance structure is key to the success of a PAC. This may include an executive sponsor from your company, who will champion the council's initiatives and ensure alignment with your overall strategy. It may also involve establishing a dedicated PAC manager, who will be responsible for coordinating meetings, managing communications, and driving the execution of council initiatives.

Develop a Meeting Cadence and Agenda

Establish a quarterly or bi-annual meeting cadence to ensure ongoing communication and progress toward council objectives. Develop a clear and focused agenda for each meeting, which may include updates on strategic initiatives, partner feedback, industry trends, and collaborative opportunities.


Best Practices for Managing Live and Virtual Meetings

Set Clear Expectations

Whether meeting in person or virtually, setting clear expectations for all participants is important. This includes providing a detailed agenda, outlining meeting objectives, and setting timeframes for presentations and discussions

Prepare in Advance

Ensure all participants are well-prepared for each meeting by providing relevant materials and information beforehand. This may include pre-reading materials, performance metrics data, or key initiatives updates. Encourage partners to come prepared with insights, questions, and suggestions to ensure a productive and engaging discussion.

Foster Open Communication

Create an environment that encourages open communication and honest feedback. Encourage participants to share their perspectives, experiences, and ideas and actively listen to their input. This will help build trust and promote collaboration among council members.

Leverage Technology

Make the most of available technology in virtual meetings to enhance communication and collaboration. Use video conferencing tools to facilitate face-to-face interaction, and consider using collaboration platforms for real-time document sharing and editing. Additionally, use polls or surveys to gather feedback and gauge the group's sentiment on various topics.

Encourage Networking and Relationship Building

Set aside time for networking and relationship building in live meetings, as these informal interactions can help strengthen bonds between partners and foster a sense of camaraderie. Consider incorporating breakout sessions or virtual networking events in virtual meetings to facilitate more intimate discussions and connections.

Follow Up and Track Progress

After each meeting, promptly distribute minutes, action items, and key takeaways to all participants. Establish a process for tracking progress on council initiatives, and provide regular updates to keep partners engaged and informed. This will help ensure accountability and maintain momentum toward achieving the council's objectives.

Continuously Evaluate and Improve

Regularly assess the effectiveness of your PAC and its meetings, and be open to making adjustments as needed. Solicit participant feedback on meeting content, format, and overall experience, and use this input to improve and evolve your council continually.



A Partner Advisory Council is invaluable for fostering collaboration, driving strategic alignment, and enhancing the overall partner experience in channel management. You can maximize the benefits of this powerful channel management best practice by establishing a well-structured council, leveraging best practices for managing live and virtual meetings, and continuously evaluating and improving its effectiveness. As a result, your company and its partners will be better positioned to capitalize on new opportunities, overcome challenges, and achieve long-term success in the dynamic and competitive business landscape.

Learn how to strengthen all elements of your channel management in our comprehensive guide to channel management.